WHS Club Advisor Meeting

A few items to discuss:

1. Club Fair Review
2. Potential Trick or Treat Night for Elementary Students (Oct 25th)
3. Future Collaborative Events
4. Fundraising

Please, if you are able, schedule from 3:00-3:30 on Tuesday, October 9th. We will meet in the Guidance Meeting Room.

PSAT Pre-Registation

PSAT will take place Wednesday, October 10, 2018 from 8:00 till around 12:00. Students are still signing up so I will get the list of students to you in the near future. There will be a pre-administration session for the PSAT it will take place Thursday, October 4, 2018 during 7th period in the LGIR.

WHS ELA Item Analysis Day

AM: Bell, Hiner, Hiner, Coppola, Bowen, Wright, Mealey

PM: Rogers, Porter, Bennett, Bever, Franck, Mealey
